Únase a nosotros para apoyar directamente a los sobrevivientes de violencia sexual haciendo un regalo hoy. Nuestra Ola depende de sus generosas contribuciones para nuestro éxito continuo. Todo ayuda ❤️

Our Wave Reportes de Impacto

Como la comunidad de Our Wave crece, estamos trabajando para ilustrar el increíble impacto que tienen las comunidades de sanación en los sobrevivientes, defensores y simpatizantes.

2023 Our Wave Impact Report

We launched the Our Wave platform in 2019 with the aim of releasing periodic reports outlining trends from the anonymous stories that we received. Through these reports we hope to raise awareness to the frequency of sexual violence and promote healing. Here are some of the data points from our community in 2023. We have also included growth metrics for the first time.

The following infographic is a snapshot of our community, their engagement with Our Wave, and their messages to other survivors.

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2023 Our Wave Annual Impact Report

2022 Our Wave Impact Report

We launched the Our Wave platform in 2019 with the aim of releasing periodic reports outlining trends from the anonymous stories that we received. Through these reports we hope to raise awareness to the frequency of sexual violence and promote healing. Here are some of the data points from our community in 2022.

The following infographic is a snapshot of our community, their engagement with Our Wave, and their messages to other survivors.

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2022 Our Wave Annual Impact Report

2021 Our Wave Impact Report

We launched the Our Wave platform in 2019 with the aim of releasing periodic reports outlining trends from the anonymous stories that we received. Through these reports we hope to raise awareness to the frequency of sexual violence and promote healing. Here are some of the data points from our community in 2021.

The following infographic is a snapshot of our community, their engagement with Our Wave, and their messages to other survivors.

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2021 Our Wave Annual Impact Report

2019 Reddit Community Impact Report

The Reddit community has played an instrumental part in shaping Our Wave. Throughout the past year, our team has engaged subreddits dedicated to supporting survivors and progressing the discussion around sexual assault. In November 2019, we shared our platform with these communities and were met with an incredibly supportive response.

The following infographic is a snapshot of these users, their engagement with Our Wave, and their messages to other survivors.

Mira Reporte
2019 Reddit Community Impact Report

Ayuda a cambiar la conversación.

Our Wave depende de tu generosias contribuciones para nuestro éxito continuo. Gracias for apoyarnos mientras construimos una comunidad donde los sobrevivientes de agresión sexual son escuchadas, creídas y apoyadas.

Leer was HistoriasApoyanos

Hecho con en Raleigh, Norte de Carolina

Salida de seguridad
