Únase a nosotros para apoyar directamente a los sobrevivientes de daño sexual haciendo un regalo hoy. Nuestra Ola depende de sus generosas contribuciones para nuestro éxito continuo. Todo ayuda ❤️

Brendan Michaelsen

Brendan Michaelsen

Chief Technology Officer

Brendan is the co-creator and CTO of Our Wave. He is an entrepreneur, engineer, and founder focused on bringing innovative startups to market. Brendan is a proud Purdue University graduate, and has been an advisor to more than a dozen organizations across the healthcare, human insights, productivity, and education markets. He currently leads the development of the Our Wave platform, and strives to build a community where survivors know that they are believed and supported.

Ayuda a cambiar la conversación.

Our Wave depende de tu generosias contribuciones para nuestro éxito continuo. Done hoy y apóyenos mientras trabajamos para apoyar a los sobrevivientes de daño sexual.

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Hecho con en Raleigh, Norte de Carolina

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